
Jeudi 16 mars 2017/ Thursday 16 March 2017

9.00 Rencontres doctorales/ doctorials.
Pause café/ Coffee break
12.00 Table ronde des rencontres doctorales / Doctorials roundtable
12.30 Déjeuner au restaurant Saint Laurent/ Lunch at Saint Laurent
14.00 GERAS Réunion des Groupes de travail du GERAS (droit, médecine, Science & Academia, économie)/ GERAS Special Interest Group Meetings.
15.30 Pause café/ Coffee break
17.30 Conseil d’administration du GERAS/ GERAS board meeting
18.30 Cocktail de bienvenue/ Opening reception

Vendredi 17 mars 2017/ Friday 17 March 2017

8.30 Accueil des participants/ Registration opens
9.00 Ouverture du colloque/ Conference opening
9.15 Conférence plénière par Douglas Biber/ Plenary lecture by Douglas Biber : "Complexity in academic writing: The development of phrasal discourse styles"
10.00 Pause café/ Coffee break
10.45 Ateliers/ Workshops
12.45 Déjeuner Restaurant Saint Laurent/ Lunch at Saint Laurent
14.30 Ateliers/ Workshops
16.30 Pause café/ Coffee break
17.00 -19.00 : Assemblée Générale du GERAS/ GERAS Annual General Meeting
20.00 Repas de gala/ Conference dinner, La Tassée, Lyon

Samedi 18 mars 2017/ Saturday 18 March 2017


9.30 Ateliers/ Workshops
11.00 Pause café/ Coffee break
11.30 Conférence plénière par Shaeda Isani/ Plenary lecture by Shaeda Isani : "Norm and transgression in ESP and the underlying dynamics of stakeholder power."
12.15 Discours de conclusion/ Closing ceremony
12.30 Déjeuner, restaurant Saint Laurent/ Lunch at Saint Laurent


Douglas Biber
Douglas Biber is Regents' Professor of English (Applied Linguistics) at Northern Arizona University. Beginning with his involvement in adult education programs in Kenya and Somalia, followed by faculty appointments at USC and NAU, he has been actively training language teachers and professionals for over 30 years. Over the past few decades, Biber has focused especially on the question of how corpus linguistic research can be applied to the description of everyday language varieties (‘registers’), and how those research findings can in turn be applied in studies of language teaching and learning. These research efforts have resulted in major publications that are of interest to applied linguists, including books on the ‘multi-dimensional’ analysis of register variation (e.g., Cambridge, 1988, 1995); the co-authored Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English (1999); the college-level Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English (2002); an ESL/EAP grammar textbook (Real Grammar, Longman, 2009); a linguistic description of university spoken and written registers (Benjamins, 2006); a textbook on Register, Genre, and Style (Cambridge, 2009); and most recently, an investigation into the unique patterns of grammatical complexity found in English academic research writing (Cambridge, 2016).

Shaeda Isani

Shaeda Isani is professor emerita at UGA (Université Grenoble-Alpes), France where she has been active in promoting English for Specialised Purposes in the areas of both teaching and research, creating the first research centre in France devoted to multilingual studies in the language, discourse and culture of professional communities and specialised groups (LSP) in 2003. Although she enjoys taking heuristic “side trips” to investigate the language, discourse and culture of other specialised domains (journalism, the ‘sin’ industries and, lately, oenology), the main body of her research work lies in English for Legal Purposes. Her current interests focus on Law in Literature with regard to contemporary specialised fictional narrative or fiction à substrat professionnel (FASP) as an ELP teaching tool but also in relation to the broader sociological impact of the genre in terms of the public perceptions and representations it generates of legal professionals.